Sunday, June 2, 2024

Tiger Man


  • George Owen BAXTER - Tiger Man.
    New York : Macaulay Co. 1929
German translation: Der Tiger-Mann

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© 2024 by CollectionTrivialitas - Wildwester. Home of the Western

The White Wolf


  • Max BRAND - The White Wolf
    New York : G. P. Putman's Son 1926
Dust Jacket: Frederick Charles Rodewald
. (Description as per the antiquarian offer)

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© 2024 by CollectionTrivialitas - Wildwester. Home of the Western

South of the Rio Grande


  • Max BRAND - South of the Rio Grande
    New York : Dodd, Mead & Company 1936
Dust Jacket: Quinn

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© 2024 by CollectionTrivialitas - Wildwester. Home of the Western

Silvertip's Trap


  • Max BRAND - Silvertip's Trap
    New York : Dodd, Mead & Company 1943
Dust Jacket: Frederick Charles Rodewald
. (Description as per the antiquarian offer)

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© 2024 by CollectionTrivialitas - Wildwester. Home of the Western

The Border Kid.


  • Max BRAND - The Border Kid.
    New York : Dodd, Mead & Company 1941
Dust Jacket: Frederick Charles Rodewald

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© 2024 by CollectionTrivialitas - Wildwester. Home of the Western

The Blue Jay


  • Max BRAND - The Blue Jay
    New York : Dodd, Mead & Co. 1927
German Translation: Pepillo
Dust Jacket: ~

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© 2024 by CollectionTrivialitas - Wildwester. Home of the Western

The Little Angel of Canyon Creek


  • Cyrus Townsend BRADY ~ The Little Angel of Canyon Creek
    New York : Fleming H. Revell Co. 1914

Dust Jacket: ~
Novel of the 'bad old days of the Western Colorado mining camps. Into one of these lawless camps comes little Olaf, a homeless wanderer from the East. His advent, followed by that of the Morrisons, marks a new era for Canyon Creek which ends in the cleaning up of the entire town'. . (Description as per the antiquarian offer)

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© 2024 by CollectionTrivialitas - Wildwester. Home of the Western